Sales FAQs

How can I find out more about FGT Asia Products and Services?

There is extensive information about the products and services available throughout this website. Do drop us an email if you require additional support or enquiries to Info@FGTAsia.Sg

How do I access information on Hard to Find Parts and/or Discontinued Products andtheir replacements?

Email us @ Info@FgtAsia.Sg with the part numbers and we will hunt them for you. In the absence of a Part Number, a picture or a drawing furnished with as much information as you could; then leave the rest to us to help you to search for the right part(s).

How can I find out pricing for your products?

Send us an RFQ via email at Sales@FGTAsia.Sg

Can I have the Product Catalogue/Brochure?

Each of the manufacturers that we represent has a variety of brochures/catalogues from their respective URLs.  Please do not hesitate to email us @ Info@FGTAsia.Sg if you are unable to find the specific Part Number or Model that you wanted.